This is followed by two chapters dealing with interactions of particles in matter, and how these characteristics are used to detect and identify such particles. In the second edition, the material begins with an exceptionally clear development of Rutherford scattering and, in the four following chapters, discusses sundry phenomenological issues concerning nuclear properties and structure, and general applications of radioactivity and of the nuclear force.

It is therefore of value to scientists with a minimal background in quantum mechanics, but is sufficiently substantive to have been recommended for graduate students interested in the fields covered in the text. Being less formal but well-written, this book is a good vehicle for learning the more intuitive rather than formal aspects of the subject. It was also translated into German, and used overseas. ' The original edition of Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics was used with great success for single-semester courses on nuclear and particle physics offered by American and Canadian universities at the undergraduate level.

Introduction To Nuclear And Particle Physics Author :A Das This text is an accessible, balanced introduction to nuclear and particle physics, providing an overview of the theoretical and experimental aspects of the subject. Nuclear And Particle Physics Author :Brian R. An accessible introduction to nuclear and particle physics with equal coverage of both topics, this text covers all the standard topics in particle and nuclear physics thoroughly and provides a few extras, including chapters on experimental methods applications of nuclear physics including fission, fusion and biomedical applications and unsolved problems for the future. Strove to stress the general underlying ideas of nuclear and particle physics. Printed in Singapore by World Scientific Printers (S) Pte Ltd.