For more information, please see the links below.

It is important for you and your children to be up to date on routine vaccinations, so you are protected from infectious diseases like measles, whooping cough, flu, COVID-19, and others.

WIC participants should check the bottom of any redeemed 12.9 oz can of ProSobee Simply Plant-Based powdered infant formula for recalled product batches ZL2HZF and ZL2HZZ, both with a UPC Code of 300871214415 and a "Use By Date" of "." You may also visit /prosobee-recall-2023/ or call Mead Johnson at 1-80 to see whether your can has been recalled. The recall includes two batches of 12.9 oz containers manufactured between August 2022 and September 2022 that were distributed through retail stores nationwide in the U.S., Guam, and Puerto Rico. ProSobee Recall PRODUCT RECALL: Two batches of ProSobee 12.9 oz Simply Plant-Based Infant Formula have been recalled because of a possible health risk.